When you think of Super Bowl munchies, odds are you don't think of all of those superfoods we know we should be eating. Football food tends to be greasy, fried, heavy and unhealthy, like nachos and Buffalo wings. If you're looking for some healthy Super Bowl snack ideas, look no farther. Today, nutrition expert Tosca Reno shares her tips on clean eating from her latest book, Just the Rules: Tosca's Guide to Eating Right. Follow these rules to help you and your party guests have healthy Super Bowl fun!
Rules for a Healthier Super Bowl Party
1. Color up. Super Bowl junk is often a sea of fatty beige foods. Colorful foods are filled with more nutrients and flavor than bland, monotonous, processed foods. Opt for a rainbow of colors on your plate, which offers numerous health benefits.
2. Smaller portions, smaller pants. A festive atmosphere can often create an eating frenzy, which leaves you feeling blah. It’s okay to enjoy an array of foods, just eat smaller portions. Remember one serving of lean protein is the size of your palm; one serving of complex carbohydrates from whole grain is the size of your cupped hand; and one serving of complex carbs from fruit and vegetables is two hands cupped together.
3. Fletcherize and swallow. Do you ever fill your plate, only for the food to disappear moments later? Gobbling food is a common disorder in our fast-paced society. Remind yourself to sloooooooow down, eating is not a race. Eating slowly will not only allow you to enjoy your food, but will also help you determine when you’re full and help aid in digestion.
4. Good carbs, bad carbs. Carbs can be confusing and are often given a bad rap! Stay away from ‘bad’ grocery store, processed carbs and stick to ‘good’ carbs like fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Want more awesome snack ideas? Click right on over for some great healthy snack options for the Super Bowl!
A big thanks to Tosca for her tips for the big game! What will you be serving up for the big game? —Erin